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No Words Required

Through the use of camera-less photography, the series No Words Required utilises archival imagery from my personal family album as a way of connecting with the family that I have never met, yet have vivid false memories about, produced by the stories that the remaining family tell.

“No Words Required” is a phrase many use when talking about loved ones that have passed, especially when the memories are so strong that words simply cannot express the importance of each deceased relative.

Through the use of camera-less photography, the series No Words Required utilises archival imagery from my personal family album as a way of connecting with the family that I have never met, yet have vivid false memories about, produced by the stories that the remaining family tell.

Grief and remembrance is something that is universally felt at some point in our lives, and finding a way to cope with loss is increasingly important. That is why this series of work unintentionally became a form of self therapy, as with each chemical bath or stitch used to produce pieces of work allowed me to briefly connect and grieve over those that had passed.

This body of work was shown at the 4th joint Royal Photographic Society Historical Group / SHU Photography Research Symposium. To see the presentation please click the PDF link.



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